All Services
The organisation’s aim is to tackle poverty by ensuring local people have access to welfare benefit and financial advice and information in their own communities.
We therefore tackle social exclusion, poverty and deprivation by providing a grass roots service of advice which is free, independent, impartial and confidential. Furthermore, this service is provided in the local communities, through home visits or the use of various local venues which are easily accessible.
The Key Services We Provide Are:
Support to access bank accounts and other financial products.
Welfare benefit training.
Signposting clients to other services and agencies.
Home visits and community based surgeries.
Telephone, web and e-mail support.
Advice on all welfare benefits.
Assistance with form filling, where appropriate.
Comprehensive benefit checks.
Better Off In Work calculations.
Money Advice.
Welfare Benefits Advice
Independent advice on all welfare and local authority benefits including benefit checks, form filling and advocacy. Our advisers can spot any unclaimed benefits and help people to claim a wide range of means-tested and non-means-tested benefits, whilst also helping clients who are having difficulties with benefit problems.
Money Advice
Confidential advice for clients to help them manage their money more effectively, reduce their outgoings and move out of debt.
Better Off In Work Advice
Financial advice and support to help people make the transition from benefits into employment, accessing in-work and return-to-work benefits where applicable. Clients can also find out more about other services which can help them back into employment. (This service is financed by Inverclyde Council, the UK Government and Scottish Government).