Better Off In Work Advice
Better Off In Work Calculations
Every year we support hundreds of unemployed, working-age clients to look at the positive financial implications of moving from benefits into employment. We carry out a detailed ‘Better Off In Work’ calculation for each client which shows the level of income they can expect should they find suitable employment and detail the range of return-to-work and in-work benefits due to them. Many of our clients go on to access permanent employment as a result of our ‘Better Off In Work’ service and through the support from other employability projects in the area.
Miss O was an unemployed 28-year-old single parent who was thinking of going back to work but was unsure how her finances would be affected. Our Adviser carried out a Better Off In Work Calculation and explained that Miss O would be better off by over £100 per week if she worked part-time, due to her wages and entitlement to Universal Credit. Miss O secured a part-time job and is now over £5,000 per year better off.
Of course, not everyone who accesses our ‘Better Off In Work’ service will move into employment right away. For many, simply moving closer to the labour market is real progress and we ultimately hope that with continued support, such clients will make the step into employment shortly. (This service is financed by Inverclyde Council, the UK Government and Scottish Government).