Getting Back to Financial Fitness

At Financial Fitness we are celebrating Debt Awareness Week by offering free money advice, including helping you to budget your money as well as giving you the skills to do this for yourself. 

Budgeting is setting up a financial plan that will help you spend less than you bring in. By sticking to your budget you can make plans for your short and long term spending.  
To lots of us, the word 'budget' means spending less. But in its truest sense, it means taking time to ensure you don't spend more money than you have coming in. 

Having some debt isn’t necessarily bad, but having excessive debt is. Worrying about debt can affect your behaviour, your relationships and your dreams. You probably already know whether you are in over your head when it comes to debt. 

We can look at the debt issues you have and help you plan out a suitable way out of your debt with different products that are available to you.  

In the long term and with ever-changing legislation around your state pension, at Financial Fitness, we can also look at getting you a personalised pension forecast, which again allows you to plan ahead for your future. 

We can also book you an appointment to check your benefits entitlement.

To make an appointment for money advice or a benefit check, call 01475 729239 or email 


Covid Spring Hardship Payment


Debt Awareness Week