Low Income Pandemic Support Payment

Families in Inverclyde with low incomes are being given a £130 boost to help recover from the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Around 10,000 households are eligible for the Scottish Government low income pandemic support payment (LIPP), to help with increased costs and lost income due to coronavirus.

Eligible households must satisfy one of the following criteria for at least one day during April 2021: 

·         Households in receipt of Council Tax Reduction (CTR): OR

·         Exempt from Council Tax - all the occupants are under 18; all the occupants are care leavers; all the occupants are severely mentally impaired; the property is unoccupied because the resident has gone to someone else's home to provide care or the resident receives care elsewhere; OR

·         Certain other households who have no Council Tax liability.  

Payments should be made during July. For more information visit www.inverclyde.gov.uk/lipp.


Carer’s Allowance Supplement


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